Octagonal stainless steel cast soft drum is in a traditional drum and soft drum development, on the basis of the research. It besides has a cylinder type and the functions of soft drum outside and loading capacity is bigger, and can maximize and soft effect. Therefore, it is another essential equipment of producing high-grade soft leather tannery. Features: 1, transmission system adopts low noise motor drive drum body, can speed by frequency control of motor speed control. Drum can implement timing, time delay, is turn (DE), point move, stop, and other functions. 2, electric control system features: frequency control, PLC control circuit. Cycle, heating, humidification, dust removal, total running time, downtime can be set up on the instrument controller. 3 dust collection system features: from mic -, dust collection box, pipe, pipe and fan drum cavity of a closed loop system, can make the soft leather by falling dust produced by continuous breathing in dust collection box, leather by reason of electrostatic bonding by elimination of the effect of fine dust. 4, control wet system features: according to different leather inside the drum set humidity. After spray humidification, accused of wet platoon is wet, the gush after stopping process operation, such as leather, not only can eliminate the fiber bonding, shrink and hard, reduce part difference, also can be recovered by dry shrinkage area. To improve the leather fullness, softness, extending degree, and the improvement of grain texture clear, appearance senses can have very good effect. 5, the temperature control system features: according to different leather set inside the drum temperature. After automatic temperature, air temperature, cooling process after the operation, such as can be removed because of seasonal temperature difference or caused by environment temperature difference to the leather quality.